Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First impressions...

Today is our second day with Standard 5 and so far we have 21 children in our class who are all bright in different aspects of learning. Janet and I are in the process of figuring out where each child needs improvement. We have already noticed that most children really enjoy English class and are curious in learning new definitions or words they have never seen before. Some participate more than others and we are encouraging the less vocal children to speak up.

Janet assessing individual children's needs

Janet and I started our first day going over introductions about where we are from and getting to know each child. For our first English lesson we created a story to focus on their creativity and writing skills. The children enjoyed using their imagination and sharing their stories in class. We attempted a science outing to collect plants yet the children were being uncooperative in pairing up to work in assigned groups. We thought it would best to postpone the field trip until they are less rowdy. We ended our science lesson by drawing a diagram of the different types and parts of a plant.

Working hard!

We finished the day with library. The children really enjoyed reading in the shade outside. Janet and I had children read story books individually to us and we helped them define words and comprehend what they were reading. The day as a whole went really smoothly and we look forward to learning more about each child and figuring out what their strengths and weaknesses are so we can help them improve.

The slightly crazy Standard 5!

Big smiles with our new teachers

Peter and Janet 10-02-2010
