Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday programme at Nyota Ing'arayo

Time to say goodbye to the textbooks and hello to fun.....

It’s that time again at Nyota Ing’arayo School when we say goodbye to textbooks and pens and say hello to fun and games!

For the first two weeks of December the GVI volunteers hold ‘Holiday Programme’ for the children at school who have not yet gone to visit family for the festive season.  This entails board games, sports and even a movie or two!

During term time there isn’t always enough time to play and have fun with the children, as the volunteers are busy planning their lessons and marking the books.  However, for a few weeks every year the main objective is to enjoy ourselves (and maybe learn some things in the process).

Mister Jono wins the point and is very pleased with himself...
 Thanks to a donation brought to Kenya by a previous volunteer the children had many new games and sport equipment to have fun with.  One of the favourites proving to be ‘Guess Who’.  Everyone from Standard 1 to Standard 7 was very keen to play this one!  I was remarkably impressed by how quickly they grasped the concept and could think up interesting new questions, such as “Does your person have a big nose?” or “Does your person have a black face?”.
All the Students  wanted to play this game..

Connect 4 was also popular and particularly entertained the teenage boys.  But it did take them a while to remember to block the other person’s attempts at 4 in a row, rather than soley concentrating on theirs. 

The Students had a connect 4  knock out competition
 Next week includes beach trips and  Haller Park trip as well to keep the children entertained!  So we are all looking forward to a fun packed week ,children and volunteers .

By Natasha Richardson
