Monday, September 3, 2012

Haller Park Trip

Haller Park Trip

The students of Precious Vision Care Centre were lucky enough to visit a local zoo called Haller Park this week.  The children from Standards 5, 6 and 7 went along with the GVI volunteers.

The children spent a couple of hours walking through the park with a local guide who gave them interesting information about the animals and the ecosystems as they went around.  The animals that they got to see include hippos, crocodiles, antelope and snakes. 
Martin  from Standard 6 

But, the main attraction was definitely the feeding of the giraffes!  The GVI volunteers were on hand to help the children overcome their nerves about feeding them pellets from their hands.
Volnteers  with  students from Standard 6
However, by the end of the trip all of the students had conquered their fears and managed to feed a giraffe ,(even if there was a lot of screaming!)

Everybody had a great day
By volunteer Natasah Richardson
