Sunday, November 7, 2010

My African Birthday

This would be the first year I’ve ever celebrated my birthday away from my home, family, and friends however, it did not feel like that. GVI and my kids at Olives Rehabilitation Center in Bombolulu, have now become my new family. I woke up this morning with a huge “happy birthday” poster hanging over my bunk with balloons taped around the room. It was so heart- warming to know that my friends here care about me.

Lauren's "birthday poster" made by fellow GVI volunteers

The balloons taped around Lauren's bed, ready for when she woke up. She didn't even wake up when they were doing it!

Not only did they decorate my room, but they also bought, and made, me gifts! We have a very artistic volunteer here in the GVI house that made me a clay sculpture of myself…

One of Lauren's birthday presents

The model of Lauren, created by another volunteer, Michele

As I walked into my class at Olives, all of my students sang me happy birthday and then we celebrated by eating cake and drinking coke (a very rare and special occasion of these kids!!). My teaching partner got all of the students to sign a card for me. Here are some of the things they wrote:

"How are you Madam. I hope you will enjoy you happy Bithday. I love you madam very very much. I love you and you look very beautiful as beautiful as a queen. You eyes make to feel like sleeping. I enjoyed your happy happy birthday. You are very good and best madam I never seen in my  life. I want to tell you that in my future I want to be a pilot and go to every country looking for you. I love you.




Dear Madam Lauren. I love you so much. You are a beautiful Lady in the all world. We are waiting for your Birthday. Your Birthday will Be So nice. I think it will be so nice and enjoyable. I love you my honey my darling my sweaty. You are so beautiful girl."

"Hello madam Lauren. I know you are well and you are also feeling happy as a king. I love you my honey madam. Don’t worry about your birthday it will be so enjobell. I wish you a good time tomorrow. I promise you tomorr I will give you shells.

Your Lovely Student, Riziki"


"By: Mwanamisi. I love you

Dear beautiful madam. I love you madam lauren because of your characteristics. I wish you a good suxcess. I wish you a good happy birthday."

"Happy birthday my sweety Madam Lauren. I know you feel happy about your birthday. I wish you are my best. I love you.

From your lovely, sineery, Japheat. I love you"

"Happy birthday Madam Lauren, I think you will be happy with your birthday and we will celebrate your birthday and I will Thank you very much for everything you have done for us and we will all be happy with you. Thank you for teaching until now. If you go we will MISS you LAUREN.

Thank you, your lovely Student, JoNAThaN"

 - Even one of the head masters wrote me a nice birthday note:


                  HAPPY BIRTH-DAY!!!!!!!!

           May U


           1,000,000 YEARS



                                                                        STARS IN THE

                                                                                          SKY AND GROW TALL TO HEAVEN




We finished off my birthday by dancing at a club called “Full Moon”…it was a costume party!!

Lauren (back row, third from left) and all her Kenyan family getting ready to go out

Group photo of Lauren's birthday night: Connie, Caroline, Lauren (second from right) and Alice

GVI volunteers and a new friend!

Fellow volunteers, Anna & Caroline, up on the dance floor at Full Moon

I have a new family now and friends that I know will have forever. This has been a very special birthday for me and I will never forget it. These kids and the school, and Kenya in general, will always have a special place in my heart.                 

Lauren, October 2010 
