Thursday, July 26, 2012

Creative Arts , Standard 3

Creative Arts , Standard 3

Creative Arts with Standard 3, where do I start?  Maybe a more suitable name is “35 minutes of Creative Chaos”. Our first Creative Arts class with Standard 3 was great.  We brought everyone to the field and played some games with them to get more familiar with their names.   First of all we got everyone in a circle by singing “ lets make a circle, a biggy biggy circle”.  We threw each kid, all 45 of them, a small ball and they had to introduce themselves by telling us their name and doing a dance or a trick.  It was really good fun and for any volunteers coming here I would seriously recommend it as your first class.

Over the following 7 weeks, we did activities in the classroom and this is where the chaos began.   The first time we did this we had all the kids make signs with their names on it for their desk.  This was a stressful but really fun experience.  Kids ask for ten pieces of paper, they have no pen, they want more crayons....the questions are endless.   After this class we learned how to deal with the class better and the lessons got easier and so much more fun from there.

My favourite activity with the class was doing a safari/jungle theme activity.  We had all the kids draw a picture of their favourite animal they would see in the jungle.  After this class we saw just how imaginative and talented some of these kids really are.  After seeing the pictures we decided that displaying them in the classroom would be really good.  We had been on a Safari the previous weekend so we printed off some pictures of the animals we saw, including elephants, giraffes and lions.  We filled two boards that are now hanging in the classroom with all the kids pictures with some magazine cut outs and pictures we had taken at the weekend.  It brightened up the classroom and all the kids were so excited to see their pictures on display.  This activity really showed us that creative arts can broaden kids creativity and imagination while at the same time boosting their confidence.

Overall, while I might have begun by using “creative chaos” to describe the classes, it is something that I think is a great benefit for kids.  I’ve really enjoyed seeing how excited the kids get when you hand them a piece of paper and a crayon and in turn them coming up with something that they are really proud of. 

 By Laura Barrett - Volunteer
