Sunday, September 8, 2013

Two weeks is not enough !!!!

Volunteering in Mombasa

I spent 2 weeks on the teaching project in Mombasa, but I could have stayed much longer!!!

Volunteer Libby at Nyota

I chose this project because I love working with children and I wanted to try something new.
I really enjoyed my time at the schools helping with the production of the Gruffalo and all sorts of sports and reading games it was a fun packed two weeks.

Volunteer Libby was in charge of the Snake in the production of the Gruffalo

  One of the things that I did notice within the school was the first aid knowledge was not to as a high standard that it could be. Being a student nurse I was keen to start up a little teaching project that helped students understand about how to clean and maintain wounds, how to treat burns etc.
  I started pulling together worksheets using my knowledge and with the support of the Mombasa staff team to create lessons that could be taught in Adult Community Group  and then eventually be  taught in both schools .

Volunteer Libby demonstrating how to keep wounds clean with her assistant  Ella.
The lesson is designed to be very interactive and to get the students involved , first a demonstration and then a practical part. Grace who runs community helped translate words into Swahili so the students would have a better understanding. I also took into consideration on what sort of supplies the students could afford and gave different alternatives  .(Antiseptic is not so easily available so alternative clean the wound with boiled salt water )

The lesson was created to be very interactive as this is a great way to learn.

The community lesson went really well and the students liked that they were able to clean a wound on a bottle (using a ketchup mixture to act as blood)and bandage it.

Students learning how to dress a wound and keep it clean.
 The plan going forward is to introduce several different lessons about specific topics demonstrating how to clean and look after the wounds to prevent infections .

Volunteer Libby with a couple of cuties from Nyota

I really enjoyed my two weeks here in Mombasa and hope the wound management lessons become part of the programme and that the adults and the children will get a better understand of how to prevent infection.

By Libby Graham
