Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Interactive Nutrition Lesson at Community...

Interactive Nutrition Lesson at Community...

When I was asked if I would help out in life skills and prepare a class on nutrition for the Adults at the community centre I was more than happy to. This would give me the chance to teach the adults at the centre about the importance of healthy eating. I prepared a presentation on the different food groups and the benefits of each one, as well as reasons why not to eat too much of some foods. 

Volunteer Ella teaching the nutrition lesson .
I thought it was important to educate the adults at the centre on which foods are healthy and how eating these foods can affect their health. I also explained that it is just as important to still eat fatty and sugary foods but in moderation. With the help of Madam Grace, who translated, I was able to explain the benefits of a balanced diet and which foods to eat more of, for example more fruit and vegetables . I took in to consideration what was available and the costs . I did this while walking to school each day, I took notes on the sort of fruit and vegetables which was available and the sort of food the adults would purchase and eat . So when planning my lessons these were the items I focused on .

Madam Grace translated into to Swahili so the students had a better understanding
 All the adults in the community centre got really involved in the activities which were planned for after the presentation. Everyone wanted to have a go at placing cut out pictures of food on the right food group to show their understanding of a balanced diet and they all wanted to complete the word search after.  It was great to see how enthusiastic everyone was and how keen to learn they were. It was definitely worthwhile running the class as everyone went away having learnt something new and enjoying themselves.
The students enjoyed taking part in the activities
GVI going forward are going to create 12 similar lessons cover different food groups and how they benefit  different parts of your body resulting in being  healthier .Which then will  help combated infections and diseases .
Though these lessons will be very basic the adults we teach have never had any tuition about nutrition and the benefits of what they eat can make a difference to their health.  

By  Ella Lunn - volunteer
