Sunday, June 26, 2011

Education is Precious

Volunteer Mark with Standard 4 at Precious

The most touching moment of my experience as a GVI volunteer, would be going to school every day and teaching at Precious Vision Care Center. The kids are very excited to have volunteers come in and help them learn and grow. They show their excitement from the first time you walk into the school. They give the volunteers a warm welcoming and it made me excited to get my project started. These kids don’t have much, but they show up to school with a smile. It means the world to me to teach them, but it also means the world to these kids that we are here. These kids don’t have a perfect life and the school is a big part to their lives, its there safe haven. Madam Jane, the headmistress told me, “This school is their second home.” She is right about that. Some of these kids get there only meals of the day, from the school. Precious Vision Care Center has a food programme running through current and ex-volunteer donations which makes up breakfast and lunch everyday for the children.

Volunteer Mark with a child at Precious

I am teaching standard 4 this week, but I am moving back down to standard 3 next week. Some kids in my class want to move down to standard 3 with me, even though they have mastered the material. One student, named Alvin, said he would cry if I left. I make their day by just being there to play with them during sports and being their teacher. I even play the role of a big brother or father to some of these kids. It is a very heartwarming experience and I just want them to grow. That is what I keep telling them. I am not here to punish them, but to help them grow. I also want them to succeed and it may take some time for them to realize that. They have gained my respect and I have gained theirs. This is truly once in a lifetime experience and the Kenyan people and the kids at Precious have changed my life for the better. When it comes to education "Pole-pole mafanikio ya mbio za polepole" (Slowly slowly wins the race)

Mark - June 2011

Mark and Kelvini
