Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Precious end of year bash!

This Thursday I was lucky enough to be a part of the party at Precious Vision. Preparations started the day before, when each class made party hats, and learnt a song to perform for the rest of the school. I was with Standard Three, and we learnt ‘In the Jungle’ from The Lion King. The kids loved the song, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard kids singing as loudly and excitedly as when we were practicing.

Thursday came around, and despite some slight performance day jitters, Standard Three did a fantastic rendition. Each standard’s performance was great, and the kids seemed to really enjoy the chance to get up in from of the whole school to sing. Standard Five sang ‘WakaWaka‘ which had the entire school on their feet singing and dancing.

Of course the children then decided that since we’d made them sing, it was our turn next. So all the GVI volunteers performed our own very interesting version of ‘All I want for Christmas is You.’ Then it was time for the Kenyan teachers to show us up, which they did marvelously.

Once all the singing and dancing was done, it was time for food. The children gratefully enjoyed soda and lollies, before an extra special surprise of Pilau (African speciality) and cupcakes.

The looks on the children’s faces both during the performances and at the sight of the party food was a great sight to see. Overall it was an excellent day for all involved, and I’m glad I got to be a part of it.
