Monday, November 30, 2009

Ever taken 150 children to the movies?

On Friday we arranged a surprise for the children at Olives as it was their last day of term for 2009. We were all going to the cinema!! The kind folks at Nyali Cinemax allowed 150 Olives students, teachers and GVI staff to come in for free. To us in the western world, this is no big treat, but for these children, who rarely even see a television, was probably the highlight of their year. “Madam Elly is this heaven?” said one of the children as she sat in front of the big screen. If that in itself doesn’t warm your heart then you can safely say yours doesn’t exist.

But the whole day went along those lines. Before we left the school I lined my class into pairs and strictly outlined the rules for the day. In all honesty, there was no need. Once arrived and sat down at the entrance of the cinema, the children were so overwhelmed that they sat quietly, observing all that was around them. As se sat waiting for our call to go into the cinema the children asked if they could go to the toilet. This experience in itself was exciting. I accompanied them to ensure they behaved. Pointing at the western ‘sit style’ toilet in confusion, they asked “Madam, I sit?” and some even came from the toilet having washed themselves from head to toe!

Each minute was that of amusement and excitement. While watching the film I had children seated around me releasing various different noises of bedazzlement. It was amazing. Some shifted in their seats in excitement giggling, while others just sat up right, open mouthed in awe of every new image . As the fim ended and the children relaxed, they stood up, began clapping and dancing in rhythm to the theme tune of the film – Kung Fu Panda. The energy that filled the room sent a shiver trough my spine and brought an intense smile to my face, which it did to every member of GVI staff.

As I walked out of the cinema, Mr Michael walked hurriedly towards me and just hugged me repeating “That was great! That was great!”. So although coming here can only make a small difference on the grand scheme of things here in Kenya, it can give these people an experience they will never forget and hopefully fall to sleep that night with flashes of amazing images in their minds and a smile of happiness on their face.

- Hannah Kelleher
