Monday, September 7, 2009

We're in the new school!

A momentous occasion today here in Mombasa. After a month’s preparation by Olive’s staff, students and GVI volunteers, the kids started the term in their brand new school! At 8am, the assembly bell rang for the first time at the new location, and Olive Rehabilitation Centre students lined up for the inaugural assembly. The students were prompltly reminded by teacher Joseph of the importance of tardiness and clean uniforms. The whole school then chourused Olives 'golden rules' - "do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons".

GVI volunteers Claudia, Kieran, Claire, Lindsey, Anna and Susan are given a tpically warm welcome from the kids on their first day of term.

The assembly bell being rung for the first time at the new site

Olive's kids assemble (in front of Mr oseph) for the first time at the new location - a new start!

The move to Olive Rehabilitation Centre’s current location is significant for several reasons. First and foremost, the larger class sizes will grant over one hundred more local children access to free education and healthy food –children who are currently going without an education due to lack of funds. Education is these kids best shot at being released from the cycle of poverty and building real opportunity for themselves.

An excited student tries out the new furniture - it's not exactly his size, but hey its the first day!

GVI volunteer Claudia gets to know her students on her first day

Improved facilities at the new site will also eventually qualify Olives as an official school and therefore modest financial assistance from the government. The school also has a green play space for the students, something they have been lacking since the centre started in 2001.

Olives students in front of the school's logo "love never fails" - a philosophy the centre lives by

Some of the students on a break between classes

Olives Rehabilitation Centre wishes to thank all GVI volunteers who have signed up for the project so far, as a portion of every volunteers fees has gone toward securing the deposit for the new school, and helping with rent payments. I would personally also like to thank our friends who have donated small or large amounts of money to the project through our Just Giving site - your kindness has really touched us and is extremely encouraging to everybody involved.

There was such a great feel in the air today, a new start for the extremely hard-working and humble teachers, and of course for the students themselves. I hope you stay tuned for further blogs on developments with the new centre.

- Tessa Doogue, Project Manager
