Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Postcards from across the world!

When Standard 6 at Precious Vision Care Centre found out that I had a 5 year old sister at school in England they bombarded me with questions! “Do the children wear uniforms in England?”, “Are they hard-working at school?”, “Do they play sports?” and so on… They had so many questions to ask that I thought it would easier for them to talk directly to the children.

A month or so ago they made postcards to send to Seathorne Primary School in Lincolnshire. They decorated them with pictures of Kenya, such as the flag, beaches and safari animals. They then wrote a small amount about their school and asked any questions that they wanted to know the answer to. Thankfully, the partnering school in England has been extremely enthusiastic about this project. So much so, that they returned some work from their younger students along with pictures of them playing and working in the classroom. They have also started work on an ‘Africa’ section of their classroom where they are learning about their new friends’ continent!

Standard 6 were ecstatic to receive the work done by the children in England, particularly as it included photos of them and their school! Class 6 at Seathorne Primary School are in the process of completing some work for Standard 6 which will be posted out at the start of next term – they can’t wait for it to arrive!

Standard 2 at Precious are also getting involved as they are sending back some sentences they have written about themselves and their school, along with drawings and photos.

Everyone at Precious would like to say a huge ‘asante sana’ to the teachers and pupils at Seathorne Primary School for taking the time to respond to the postcards!

By Volunteer Natasha