Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Royal Wedding, in Kenya

Well for the British volunteers currently out here on the project we were determined not to miss the big event. Our friends and family back home in England had been informing us of the party atmosphere and how excited the nation had become about the wedding.

So myself and my fellow patriotic British volunteers decided to go all out and make a day of it.

We dressed up in our posh frocks and shirts, courtesy of the local market, where you can pick up loads of good second hand western clothes at very cheap prices!

It was also nice to see local Kenyans interested in the Royal Wedding, it made front page news on the national newspaper and everyone was asking us about it.

We made ourselves comfortable at the local bar, ordered our Pimms and lemonade, tried to impersonate the Queen royal wave! and watched the whole ceremony on BBC. Fabulous English afternoon all round.

By Katie Dangerfield, GVI field staff
