Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Teaching on the Mombasa Project

Teaching on the Mombasa Project

It’s been over two months since my arrival in Mombasa, and although I have never taught before the short time in which I have been with my standard 4s has already shown me how much I love and enjoy tutoring them.
Volunteer Josh enjoying the holiday programme with fellow volunteer Ally
When I first arrived at Nyota it was just beginning its end of term holiday program, which all volunteers participated in various activities ranging from P.E. to creative arts and reading.I particularly enjoyed hosting P.E. as it was the lesson they all looked forward to and were always full of energy and ready to try any new sport or games we could come up with. It’s amazing how much fun you can create simply with a football and a bunch of energetic children!

Everybody busy working

During the holiday program we gave the school a new look with a lick of paint and some new walls for the outside classrooms.  This was a great team effort not only between us volunteers from both Mombasa and Shimoni but also the students themselves who definitely weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. It was a nice feeling knowing that when the children came back at the start of term they would be greeted with a school they could be proud of.

One to One Reading
When the new term came around, I was confronted with the more challenging approach from the casual days of the holiday program and actually planning some proper English lessons. It was quite daunting at first as I had so many things to take in and absorb at once. As a new teacher the children do like to test you, but when you get to know them personally they really do look up to you with respect and an eagerness to learn. I am looking forward to the next few months.

Volunteer Josh teaching Std4 at Nyota
By Josh McMahon - Volunteer
