Monday, June 17, 2013

Creative arts and big smiles at Olives

Creative arts and big smiles at Olives

Art is a great way for children to use their creative sides and also a way to express themselves. I was so nervous my first day walking in, but as soon as I stepped foot into the door I had 40 children running up to me screaming, hugging and “high-fiving” me. Suddenly all my nerves went away. Their smiles and excitement made me then realize these next two weeks were going to be the most amazing and rewarding days of my life.

Making a handprint poster with standard 4
 One of the projects I had them do was write greeting cards to each other listing a few things they liked about one another. Thinking they were going to write about their classmates, as I started reading them I noticed a majority of them said “Madam Casey I love you and your smile”, “Madam Casey one day I wish to come to America and see you”. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bigger smile on my face.

Casey and some of her students
I loved just walking around the classroom, hearing them laughing while using their creative art skills. Even though I am sad my two weeks is coming to an end, I am leaving here knowing I helped put a smile on their face, and what could be any better than that?

By volunteer Casey Caravella
