Monday, July 9, 2012

Standard 3 football...

Standard 3 football...

Football is very important to all the boys in Standard 3. All day, every day, they ask to go to the field to play football and it is a great incentive to keep them working well for the week. As I also love football I found it a great way to get to know the boys in my class as I would spend time with them discussing our favourite players and favourite teams. Of course Man United was the majorities favourite and when they heard that I also liked United I was suddenly the best thing ever, ha! 

When we went to the field for the first P.E class we soon learned that they could organise a match within seconds as they already had a team picked and there was no need for bibs. We also learned that there was literally no way that the girls in Standard 3 had any chance of being allowed to play with the boys as it was strictly forbidden. We (Madam Orla and Madam Laura) were also virtually invisible until the soccer match was over. 
However, one day I decided I would play in goals and when I saved a penalty for my team I suddenly gained a whole new respect from the boys. When I showed them I could soccer solo the ball they were amazed. J From then on the boys loved when I played soccer with them.

The all important penalty shoot out!!!

Mister Josh with his Standard.
Standard 3 played Standard 4 in a very important match where teacher from both Standards took part. Of course Standard 3 won after all my training with them and I was overwhelmed with a sense of pride. It was also quite amusing to see Mister Josh from Standard 4 (name and shame) get a yellow card and be such a sore loser. Standard 3 also played Standard 2 and won 6-0, it was quite embarrassing for Standard 2 really and Mister David their class teacher.     

When we talk to the boys in Standard 3 all they talk about is football and when they grow up most of them wants to be soccer players.Therefore, I think it is quite obvious how important soccer is to the boys and it is a great way for them to release stress . It also brings the boys together as a class, however often the matches get very heated, but that is all part of the fun. This is why I love P.E and soccer with Standard 3 boys.
Standard 3

J Orla Connaugthon