Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Mass, African style!

We were invited to a local church for Sunday ceremony. You kind of have an image of a big, colourful, soulful, "Sister Act" type morning, but nothing can describe how beautiful it was. The mass is mostly sung by the band, which included a drummer that is about nine years old. The band were brilliant and the singers fit for X factor! Tiny babies bouncing to the beat in their mother’s arms, children singing along at the top of their voices and the whole place up on their feet praising the Lord, through their dance and song. The words of the songs were projected onto the wall behind them so we could sing along. You get so in-grossed in it, like your being absorbed by God and born again. You can't help but dance along and feel like you've been part of it all your life. It was very moving.

The Pastor asked the new members to stand up and a microphone was handed to us and we each had to introduce ourselves. We said we were here to work with the community and the kids etc. They crowed clapped after each one of us spoke and welcomed us. We are now members of Nyali fellowship! And we actually look forward to going to church every Sunday now, it's like a party! So when in Mombasa, I would say, if you want to feel really touched and moved, visit a local church for Sunday mass.
