Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two Beautiful Additions to Tumaini’s Family.

Meet Ibrahim....
Meet William.....

When I arrived at Tumaini two weeks ago, I was greeted by a Mother holding a washed out baby, that I did not recognise, whose eyes seemed to hold the weight of the world in them. He expressed only exhaustion. I learnt later that day that Ibrahim’s mother had just died of Pneumonia and had asked her best friend, before she passed away, to make Tumaini Ibrahim’s new home. And that is exactly what Tumaini has become for Ibrahim. He arrived at Tumaini with little to no energy and not very much will to live. After a couple of visits to hospital and a lot of tender loving care from the mothers and staff he is now a different baby with only smiles to share with anybody that will pay him attention, which is most, as not many can distract themselves from those “Puss in Boots” eyes.

To my surprise, on my arrival to Tumaini last week, I caught sight of a bundle on the floor next to the mothers where they were ironing, thinking it was Ibrahim I went towards it with the intention to pick him up and play with him, as I came closer I thought to myself Ibrahim is bigger than that, and sure enough it was not Ibrahim, it was another new baby, William. Williams adventure in finding Tumaini was a little more dramatic and out of the normal. At a local secondary school, Mombasa polytechnic, children sat in class ready to begin lessons for the day but were distracted by a crying noise, at first thinking it was just a mother passing by they ignored it but as the hour went on the crying did not cease, some became worried and made the teacher aware of it. Just outside the window of this classroom was a dustbin and inside that dustbin was a beautiful, abandoned baby, now called William, and now being very much looked after and loved.

Hannah Kelleher 2010
